Unknown Knowns: Unlocking Hidden Potential

Techniques for Unlocking Hidden Business Intelligence

After setting the stage in our previous discussion on the significance of hidden data in business, let’s shift our focus to the actual techniques for uncovering these concealed gems. In a business ecosystem increasingly ruled by data, being oblivious to these hidden assets is a luxury organizations can ill-afford.

Data Audits: Your First Step

Initiating a comprehensive data audit can serve as a promising first step. This process involves scrutinizing your existing data repositories and identifying what data is actively used, what lies dormant, and what is completely forgotten. This is an effective way to highlight data that can be put to better use.

Breaking Down Silos

Isolated departments or ‘silos’ can stifle the flow of information within an organization. Implementing cross-departmental collaborations can facilitate the sharing of invaluable insights and skills, which would otherwise remain confined.

Employee Skill Inventory

An often overlooked reservoir of hidden data is the untapped talents within your workforce. Regularly conducting skills assessments can help identify new areas where your existing team can contribute, beyond their current roles.

Leveraging Machine Learning Algorithms

The power of machine learning algorithms in sifting through vast amounts of data to find patterns or insights cannot be understated. Advanced analytical tools can significantly reduce the time and resources required to find actionable information.

Continual Learning and Adaptation

To keep pace with the ever-changing business landscape, your strategies for uncovering hidden data should evolve as well. Adopting a culture of continual learning can help you stay ahead of the curve in identifying and leveraging new forms of hidden information.


The task of uncovering hidden business intelligence is neither straightforward nor a one-time effort. It demands a culture of persistent inquiry, regular audits, and an openness to adapt and learn. By following these techniques, you are well on your way to transforming hidden data into strategic assets.

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Picture of Richard Jones

Richard Jones

Strategic and business consultant for SMEs. Doctor of Family Business, Chartered Management Accountant and Fellow of IOD.

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